Beide rijders van het Sauber F1 team zijn gediskwalificeerd na afloop van de race.
Kamui Kobayashi (8ste) en Sergio Perez (7de) reden een uitstekende wedstrijd maar zien dit resultaat uiteindelijk niet beloond. Beide wagens van Sauber zijn gediskwalificeerd naar aanleiding van technische inbreuken op het reglement.
Bij Sauber was men aanvankelijk zeer blij met het resultaat. Sergio Perez kon dankzij een strategie waarbij hij slechts één pitstop maakte als zevende finishen, terwijl ook Kamui Kobayashi in de punten wist te finishen.
Na inspectie van de wagens besloten de racestewards echter om beide wagens van Sauber uit de uitslag te schrappen omwille van een inbreuk op het technisch reglement. Meer bepaald regels 3.10.1 and 3.10.2 werden geschonden.
De schrapping van Sergio Perez en Kamui Kobayashi uit de uitslag betekent dat Felipe Massa zevende wordt, Sebastien Buemi achtste, Adrian Sutil negende en Paul di Resta tiende.
Voor de volledigheid vindt u hieronder de betreffende regels uit het technisch reglement:
3.10.1 Any bodywork more than 150mm behind the rear wheel centre line which is between 150mm and 730mm above the reference plane, and between 75mm and 355mm from the car centre line, must lie in an area when viewed from the side of the car that is situated between 150mm and 350mm behind the rear wheel centre line and between 300mm and 400mm above the reference plane. When viewed from the side of the car no longitudinal cross section may have more than one section in this area. Furthermore, no part of this section in contact with the external air stream may have a local concave radius of curvature smaller than 100mm.
Once this section is defined, ‘gurney’ type trim tabs may be fitted to the trailing edge. When measured in any longitudinal cross section no dimension of any such trim tab may exceed 20mm.
3.10.2 Other than the bodywork defined in Article 3.10.9, any bodywork behind a point lying 50mm forward of the rear wheel centre line which is more than 730mm above the reference plane, and less than 355mm from the car centre line, must lie in an area when viewed from the side of the car that is situated between the rear wheel centre line and a point 350mm behind it.
With the exception of minimal parts solely associated with adjustment of the section in accordance with Article 3.18 :
– when viewed from the side of the car, no longitudinal cross section may have more than two sections in this area, each of which must be closed.
– no part of these longitudinal cross sections in contact with the external air stream may have a local concave radius of curvature smaller than 100mm.
Once the rearmost and uppermost section is defined, ‘gurney’ type trim tabs may be fitted to the trailing edge. When measured in any longitudinal cross section no dimension of any such trim tab may exceed
The chord of the rearmost and uppermost closed section must always be smaller than the chord of the lowermost section at the same lateral station.
Furthermore, the distance between adjacent sections at any longitudinal plane must lie between 10mm and 15mm at their closest position, except, in accordance with Article 3.18, when this distance must lie between 10mm and 50mm.
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Beide rijders van het Sauber F1 team zijn gediskwalificeerd na afloop van de race.